This is my First blog. its very Exciting! i'm not really sure what to put on here so i'll just tell you about my day[:

           Well Today was Pretty Cool, My friend Kinsey was "Sick" (Wink Wink) [;  so i had to conquer Wellness Alone! and on the day we play Ultimate Frisbee, Yes, Frisbee... it was non stop running torture haha i'm kidding it was actually fun.. Geography we did a map Shocker!
          [:  In algebra we did a practice end of course test and i missed 7/15 ]: ohh well i guess thats why its called practice right hah.
        English we read animal farm.. its not bad buuut i wouldn't read it if i didn't have to. Science NOTES & A WORKSHEET!! of course thats all we ever do in there, well then i came home.. all in all good day[: 

        Check out my daily blog posts
      Give me a topic, and i'll elaborate!!

                     Bye[;  -Kristyy

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